Financial assistance
Every individual is obliged to provide for oneself, spouse, and children under the age of 18. The Family Department of Árborg Municipality provides financial assistance to individuals and families who cannot provide for themselves and their families without assistance, in accordance with the Municipalities' Social Services Act, No. 40/1991 and the Financial Assistance Regulations of the Árborg Municipality. Financial assistance is provided in relation to other countermeasures of social services.
Right to financial assistance
Individuals with a legal household in Árborg Municipality who have income equal to or below the threshold can apply for financial assistance. Revenue limits are based on the amount of financial assistance. Couples who are in a registered cohabitation in the National Registry have the same right to financial assistance as married couples.
The applicant should check beforehand if he or she is eligible for other payments before applying for financial assistance. These include aids from social security, unemployment insurance, student loans, maternity funds, pension funds and trade union health funds. The applicant must report any change in income and family circumstances, because such changes may affect the right to financial assistance. Financial assistance provided on the basis of false or misleading information is to be repaid. It is permitted to provide a grant or a loan due to special circumstances.
Application for financial assistance
The application for financial assistance shall be submitted through together with the relevant documentation. The application form contains information about the applicant, including the legal household, family type, spouse and children's names, and detailed information about income and assets.
Financial assistance amount
Framfærslugrunnur einstaklinga 18 ára og eldri sem sannanlega reka eigið heimili er 1,0 eða kr. 207.864. Með rekstri eigin heimilis er átt við þær aðstæður þegar viðkomandi býr í eigin húsnæði eða leigir húsnæði og leggur fram þinglýstan húsaleigusamning því til staðfestingar.
- Framfærslugrunnur hjóna og fólks í sambúð er 1,6 eða kr. 332.583. Frá upphæð fjárhagsaðstoðar dragast skattskyldar tekjur.
- Framfærslugrunnur einstaklinga 18 ára og eldri sem búa með öðrum, leigja húsnæði án þinglýsts leigusamnings eða hafa ekki aðgang að húsnæði er 0,8 eða kr. 166.291.
- Framfærslugrunnur einstaklinga sem búa hjá foreldrum. 0,45 eða kr. 93.539.
Reduction of financial assistance
If the applicant for financial assistance refuses employment or quits his/her job without an explanation, he/she is allowed half of the basic amount of financial assistance the month in which the applicant refuses work and the month thereafter. The same applies to an unemployed applicant who does not demonstrate his/her confirmed registration from the Inspectorate of Labour. The rights are impaired in the same way in case of an applicant who has stopped participating in supportive initiatives/rehabilitation and implementing an individual plan with a social worker, except for the special reasons revealed during the evaluation of the applicant's situation.