Legal counselling

The Women's Counseling (Kvennaráðgjöfin)

The Women’s Counseling’s (Kvennaráðgjöfin) main goal is to offer counselling and support to women, however the office assists anyone seeking our services, regardless of their sex. The services are free of charge and those who need counselling do not have to reveal their name nor any other personal data.

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The Icelandic Human Rights Office (Mannréttindaskrifstofa Íslands)

The Icelandic Human Rights Office (Mannréttindaskrifstofa Íslands) is responsible for legal counselling for immigrants. Only counselling is provided and clients are not referred forward to individual attorneys or law firms where any consultant has an interest. However, the client may be provided with information about attorneys who specialise in certain legal areas. One can make an appointment with the office at 5522720 or

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