Upper secondary schools
Upper secondary schools (framhaldsskólar) offer diverse learning paths that provide students with a broad range of preparation and rights in the field of academic study programmes, artistic study programmes and vocational training. The studies conclude with a final examination such as the upper secondary school leaving certificate, a professional qualification examination, the matriculation examination, or any other formal conclusion of studies.
Further information: https://www.government.is/media/menntamalaraduneyti-media/media/frettatengt2016/Thyding-log-um-framhaldsskola-juli-2016.pdf
List of schools which offer study programmes at the upper secondary level: https://mms.is/listi-yfir-skola
FSuFSu - Fjölbrautaskóli Suðurlands offers academic and vocational studies with a wide range of courses: https://www.fsu.is/is/english